Unit 7 Review: Basics of Polygons (Pt 1)

I solve the odd problems on pages 1-3 in the Chapter 7 review in this video. Page one covers naming polygons by sides and whether the polygon is convex/concave and regular/irregular. Page 2 and 3 covers finding a single interior/exterior angle of a regular polygon, finding the sum of the interior/exterior angles of polygon, and solving for a specific angle inside a polygon given information about the interior angles.

Unit 7 Review: Basics of Polygons (Pt 2)

I solve the even problems on pages 1-3 in the Chapter 7 review in this video. Page one covers naming polygons by sides and whether the polygon is convex/concave and regular/irregular. Page 2 and 3 covers finding a single interior/exterior angle of a regular polygon, finding the sum of the interior/exterior angles of polygon, and solving for a specific angle inside a polygon given information about the interior angles.

Unit 7 Review:

Proving Quadrilaterals Are Parallelograms

This video reviews problems where you are trying to prove a quadrilateral is a parallelograms using the properties of parallelograms. I solve for side lengths and lengths of diagonals as well as interior angles.

Unit 7 Review: Angles of Quadrilaterals

This video covers how to find the interior angles of quadrilaterals: rectangles, rhombuses, squares, trapezoids, and kites.

Unit 7 Review:

Quadrilaterals and Other Polygons (Pts 1)

This video is a general review of Unit 7 over Quadrilaterals and Other Polygons. I solve an exterior angles problem as well as square, rectangle, rhombus problems and isosceles trapezoid problem dealing with interior angles and midsegments.

Unit 7 Review:

Quadrilaterals and Other Polygons (Pts 2)

This video is a review of isosceles trapezoids, kites, and all quadrilaterals in general in the form of a Venn diagram.