Lesson 8.4 (Part 1) Notes and Practice

Triangle Proportionality Theorem and the Converse

This video covers the Triangle Proportionality Theorem and the Converse to the Triangle Proportionality Theorem. Essentially, if you have a triangle that has two sides being intersected by a line and that line is parallel to the third side of the triangle, the intersecting parallel lines cuts the two sides being intersected proportionally. I go through this lesson and solve several practice problems as well.

Lesson 8.4 (Part 2) - Notes and Practice

Three Parallel Lines and Triangle Bisector Theorems

This videos explains the Three Parallel Lines and Triangle Bisector Theorems. I explain that if you have 2 lines being intersected by 3 or more parallel lines, the 2 lines are cut up proportionally. I also explain that if you have a triangle with an angle bisector, it will cut the triangle proportionally as well. I solve several examples going over both concepts.